Gizmo - has posted a new item, 'Lenovo Looking To Fortify
Its Mobile Business, Might Have Eyes Set On RIM'
Research in Motion is preparing to launch its brand new BlackBerry 10 devices
in less than a week but according to a Bloomberg report Lenovo might have some
merger plans that include the Canadian company. The Chinese multinational
computer maker is trying to boost its mobile business and executives are
dropping hints about the options.
LenovosChief Financial Officer Wong Wai Ming said that the company is looking at
all opportunities, RIM and many others. [...]Well have no hesitation if the
right opportunity comes along that could benefit us and shareholders. Lenovo
already bought a giant in the past, IBM, while Research in Motion lost the
majority of its users and market share to Apples iOS and Googles Android.
Apparently there is a team in place at Lenovo looking at options which also
include strategic alliances; however, the executive declined to commenton when
or whether the company will decide to make its bid for a mobile-device maker.
Source: Bloomberg
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