Any woman who has been on any insurance policy as a shared policy holder and whose husband/partner has always been the one to look after the insurance requirements for the household, could suddenly find herself disadvantaged if the marriage fails.
Let's just take car insurance for starters. If a woman owns the car and had the car before her marriage, then it's important that the car insurance policy stay in her name with her husbands name listed as a frequent driver. It's equally important that your husband keeps his car insurance policy in his name with the woman listed as a frequent driver. The reason for this advice is because when / if a marriage breaks down as too often happens, unless you can prove that you have held a car insurance policy in your name then you could end up losing your no-claim bonus even if you have been driving accident/incident free for the past 20 years!
Insurance companies run on proof and facts they can verify. Which is fair enough and if you are a shareholder in any insurance stock I'm quite sure you will also consider this good practice. But when the marriage breaks down and you are often more vulnerable at that period of time so could be more likely to have an accident, it's not the time to find out that you have an insurance problem because the insurance policy is in a shared name.
These days, married, single or thinking about it, no one can afford to be without a car. The inconvenience is unbelievable because we have all become so used to hoping in a car and going wherever and when ever we want. If you lose your car for a couple of weeks while the insurance gets fixed up it is a huge inconvenience.
Worse still, if the marriage split has been a nasty one and you have an auto accident, you could end up being left at your partner's mercy and they probably aren't much inclined to assist you much at this point. So my advice is to keep a certain amount of name independence as your best insurance against things going horribly wrong.
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